Lloyd Cole, m�gia i precisi�

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


La publicaci� del seu �ltim disc, "On pain", i la gira corresponent ens porten a revisar el can�oner d'aquest cantant elegant i auster que porta gaireb� 40 anys gronxant-nos amb les seves partitures artesanals. 01 Lloyd Cole and the Commotions - "Charlotte Street" 02 Lloyd Cole - "The idiot" 03 Lloyd Cole and The Commotions - "Are you ready to be heartbroken" 04 Lloyd Cole and The Commotions - "2cv" 05 Lloyd Cole and The Commotions - "Lost weekend" 06 Lloyd Cole - "No blue skies" 07 Lloyd Cole - "Margo's waltz" 08 Lloyd Cole - "Trigger happy" 09 Lloyd Cole - "No more love songs" 10 Lloyd Cole - "My other life" 11 Lloyd Cole - "The young idealists" 12 Lloyd Cole - "Mister wrong" 13 Lloyd Cole - "Warm by fire" 14 Lloyd Cole - "Brand new friend"