Les millors harmonies vocals del pop

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Diuen que el millor instrument musical que mai s'ha creat �s la veu humana. Avui ho volem demostrar amb una antologia de les millors harmonies vocals del pop. 01 The Beach Boys - "Our prayer" 02 The Beatles - "Because" 03 The Everly Brothers - "Cathy's clown" 04 Simon & Garfunkel - "Mrs. Robinson" 05 The Byrds - "Mr. tambourine man" 06 Crosby Stills and Nash - "Helplessly hoping" 07 The Band - "The night they drove old dixie down" 08 The Impressions - "Just before sunrise" 09 The Mystics - "Hushabye" 10 The Left Banke - "Walk away Renee" 11 Gossos - "Quan et sentis de marbre" 12 The Wallin' Jennys - "The parting glass" 13 The Roches - "Hammond song" 14 Teenage Fanclub - "Ain't that enough" 15 Dr Dog - "The freeze" 16 Fleet Foxes - "Quiet houses" 17 Dirty Projectors - "Overlord"