Les can�ons de Sofia Coppola
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

A banda de ser una cineasta excepcional, Coppola t� un gust musical exquisit, com demostren les bandes sonores de la seva filmografia. 01 The Cure - "Plainsong" 02 Pretenders - "Brass in pocket" 03 Roxy Music - "More than this" 04 The Jesus and Mary Chain - "Just like honey" 05 Gwen Stefani - "Cool" 06 Air - "Playground love" 07 Gang of Four - "Natural's not in it" 08 Ramones - "Baby, I love you" 09 Bee Gees - "Run to me" 10 10cc - "I'm not in love" 11 Bow Bow Bow - "I want candy" 12 My Bloody Valentine - "Sometimes" 13 Tommy James & The Shondells - "Crimson & clover" 14 Phoenix - "Identical"