La petjada de Lead Belly, el presidiari que va popularitzar el blues tradicional
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Huddie William Ledbetter, conegut com a Lead Belly, �s un dels pioners del folk i el blues americ�. Les seves composicions, moltes enregistrades a la pres� mentre complia condemna, les van popularitzar anys despr�s artistes de primer�ssima magnitud. 01 Leadbelly - "There's a man going around taking names" 02 The Animals - "House of the rising sun" 03 Elvis Presley - "See see rider" 04 Creedence Clearwater Revival - "Midnight special" 05 Nirvana - "Where did you sleep last night" 06 Ram Jam - "Black Betty" 07 The Beach Boys - "Sloop John B" 08 Billy Bragg and Joe Henry - "Rock island line" 09 Led Zeppelin - "Gallows pole" 10 Tom Waits - "Goodnight Irene" 11 Rory Gallagher - "Out on the western plain" 12 Guy Tortora - "Ballad of the boil weavil" 13 The Hollies - "Stewball" 14 Lead Belly - "Bourgeois blues"