La incre�ble hist�ria de P. F. Sloan, el nen prodigi que va desapar�ixer

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


La vida i obra de P. F. Sloan �s tan inversemblant que sembla pura invenci�. Als 8 anys ja feia can�ons, als 15 produ�a artistes consagrats, als 18 va compondre la can�� protesta m�s exitosa del moment i als 22 va desapar�ixer sense deixar rastre. Aquesta �s la hist�ria incre�ble de P. F. Sloan. 01 Jimmy Webb - "P.F. Sloan" 02 Jan & Dean - "I found a girl" 03 The Fantastic Baggys - "Tell 'em I'm surfin" 04 Bruce & Terry - "Summer means fun" 05 The Byrds - "Mr Tambourine man" 06 Barry McGuire - "Eve of destruction" 07 Barry McGuire - "The sins of a family" 08 Barry McGuire - "What exactly's the matter with me?" 09 The Grass Roots - "Where were you when I needed you?" 10 The Turtles - "Let me be" 11 The Mamas and The Papas - "California dreaming" 12 Herman's Hermits - "A must to avoid" 13 Johnny Rivers - "Secret agent man" 14 The Rolling Stones - "Paint it black" 15 Buffalo Springfield - "For what it's worth" 16 The Turtles - "You baby" 17 P.F. Sloan - "Raised on records"