Joies de la m�sica disco per acomiadar el 2022

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Diem adeu a aquest any tan entretingut amb una playlist ideal per muntar una festa a casa i ser el DJ m�s exit�s del barri. Salut, molta m�sica i fins l'any que ve! 01 Cheryl Lynn - "Got to be real" 02 Barry White - "You're the first, the last, my everything" 03 Dan Hartman - "Instant replay" 04 Prince - "I wanna be your lover" 05 Instant Funk - "I got my mind made up" 06 Van McCoy - "The hustle" 07 Jimmy "Bo" Horne - "Dance across the floor" 08 Loleatta Holloway - "Love sensation" 09 Oby Onyioha - "Enjoy your life" 10 Commodores - "Brick house" 11 The Emotions - "Best of my love" 12 The O'Jays - "Love train" 13 Narada Michael Walden - "I shoulda loved ya" 14 Phyllis Hyman - "You know how to love me"