Guia per odiar Morrissey

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Poques icones del pop desperten passions tan oposades com Stephen Morrissey. Controvertit, malagrad�s i iconoclasta, l'exl�der dels Smiths t�, probablement, el r�cord de can�ons alienes que el retraten de manera poc afalagadora. Estima'l o odia'l, per� mai et deixar� indiferent. 01 The Smiths - "Heaven knows I'm miserable now" 02 Pet Shop Boys - "Miserabilism" 03 Electronic - "Getting away with it" 04 The Associates - "Stephen, you're really something" 05 Pony Death Ride - "I think my boyfriend is gay for Morrissey" 06 Sandie Shaw - "Steven (you don't eat meat)" 07 Pansy Division - "Homo Christmas" 08 Sparks - "Lighten up, Morrisey" 09 Oh Pioneers - "My life as a Morrissey song" 10 The Mountain Goats – "Anti-music song" 11 The Meatmen - "Morrissey must die" 12 Courteneers - "What took you so long" 13 Fearpayne - "I hate the smiths cause they remind me of us" 14 Warlock Pinchers - "Morrissey rides a cockhorse" 15 David Bowie - "I know it's gonna happen someday"