Gamble and Huff, els arquitectes del Philadelphia sound

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Des d'un petit estudi als suburbis de Filad�lfia, dos productors an�nims van crear a principis dels 70 el So Filad�lfia injectant sofisticaci� al soul americ�. Es deien Kevin Gamble i Leon Huff, i amb el seu talent van crear un imperi musical i una col�lecci� de can�ons immortals. Foto: Charlie Gillett Collection 01 MFSB - "The sound of Philadelphia" 02 The Soul Survivors - "Expressway to your heart" 03 The Intruders - "Cowboys to girls" 04 Jerry Butler - "Only the strong survive" 05 Billy Paul - "Me and Mrs Jones" 06 Johnny Williams - "Slow motion (part 1)" 07 Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes - "If you don't know me by know" 08 The Three Degrees - "When will I see you again" 09 Bunny Sigler - "Regina" 10 The O'Jays - "Back stabbers" 11 The O'Jays - "Love train" 12 Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes - "Bad luck" 13 The Jacksons - "Enjoy yourself" 14 The O'Jays - "For the Love of Money"