Flying Nun, l'aparador pop de Nova Zelanda

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Buscant sempre el millor pop de guitarres, avui viatgem als ant�podes, on un segell modest que es deia Flying Nun ens va regalar la millor col�lecci� de can�ons plenes de tornades glorioses. 01 The Clean - "Anything could happen" 02 The Verlaines - "Death & the maiden" 03 The Chills - "Pink frost" 04 Look Blue Go Purple- "Cactus cat" 05 Straitjacket Fits - "Down in splendour" 06 The Bats - "Nort by north" 07 Chris Knox - "Not given lightly" 08 3Ds - "Beautiful things" 09 Tall Dwarfs - "Nothing's going to happen" 10 Sneaky Feelings - "Husband house" 11 Bird Nest Roys - "Alien" 12 David Kilgour - "No no no" 13 Bressa Creeting Cake - "Palm singing" 14 Garageland - "Fingerpops"