Els Rolling Stones, en clau pop
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Posem el retrovisor per repassar l'�poca primerenca dels Rolling Stones, quan Brian Jones afegia instruments inesperats, i Jagger i Richards es deixaven influir per l'univers pop dels seus coetanis. 01 "Out of time" 02 "Connection" 03 "Ruby Tuesday" 04 "The last time" 05 "I am waiting" 06 "Play with fire" 07 "Sittin' on a fence" 08 "As tears go by" 09 "19th nervous" 10 "Yesterday's papers" 11 "Lady Jane" 12 "Have you seen your mother standing in the shadows" 13 "Something happened to me yesterday" 14 "Take it or leave it" 15 "2000 man" 16 "Think"