Els pitjors discos de la hist�ria del rock
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

�s l'hora de fer un r�nquing com cal de les pitjors aberracions fetes en nom de la m�sica pop. Prepareu-vos, perqu� aqu� teniu la tria (mai feta) del pitjors discos del rock. Ser� la bomba! 01 Lou Reed - "Metal machine music" 02 David Bowie - "Time will crawl" 03 Yoko Ono - "Don't worry, Kyoko" 04 Oasis - D'you know what I mean?" 05 Duran Duran - "911 is a joke" 06 William Shatner - "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" 07 Leonard Nimoy - "The ballad of Bilbo Baggins" 08 Happy Mondays - "Sunshine and love" 09 The Shaggs - "Philosophy of the world" 10 Guns N' Roses - "Chinese democracy" 11 Kevin Rowland - "The greatest love of all" 12 Lord Sutch - "Wailing sounds" 13 The Clash - "We are the clash" 14 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - "American dream" 15 Mrs Miller - 'A lover concerto" 16 Florence Foster Jenkins - "The magic flute" 17 John Travolta - "Never gonna fall in love again"