Els 10 millors discs de la d�cada dels 80, segons "El celobert"

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Triar deu discs per il�lustrar tota una d�cada �s agosarat, ho sabem, per�, com que ens va el marro, hem decidit fer la nostra tria i proposar-vos que ens digueu la vostra. Us atreviu? 01 Kate Bush - "Running up that hill" 02 Joy Division - "Twenty four hours" 03 Talking Heads - "Born under punches" 04 The Smiths - "There is a light that never goes out" 05 The Cure - "Pictures of you" 06 De La Soul - "Eye know" 07 Prince - "Sign o' the times" 08 Pixies - "Where is my mind?" 09 Talk Talk - "The rainbow" 10 The Stone Roses - "I am the resurrection"