Can�ons sense tornada
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

En el m�n del pop, es diria que una can�� rodona necessita una tornada tant s� com no, per� el cert �s que hi ha molt�ssimes peces que ens demostren el contrari. Avui us en portem un bon grapat. 01 REM - "Losing my religion" 02 Squeeze - "Up the junction" 03 The Beatles - "Hapiness is a warm gun" 04 Gerry Rafferty - "Baker street" 05 Iron & Wine, Fiona Apple - "All in good time" 06 Mar Pujol - "Flor de nit" 07 Neutral Milk Hotel - "In the aeroplane by the sea" 08 Al Green - "Tired of being alone" 09 Marvin Gaye - "I want you" 10 The Stranglers - "Golden brown" 11 Billy Bragg - "Between the wars" 12 Arctic Monkeys - "Brianstorm" 13 Roy Orbison - "In dreams" 14 Nick Drake - "From the morning" 15 Jo Jet i Maria Ribot - "Sant Lloren�" 16 Copa Lotus - "Tan malament"