Can�ons sense pressa
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

En un m�n cada cop m�s fren�tic i apressat, necessitem com mai artistes que ens retornin la calma. Aqu� teniu un recull especial de can�ons que bateguen al ritme del nostre cor. 01 Glen Hansard - "Falling slowly" 02 Prince - "Slow love" 03 Leonard Cohen - "Slow" 04 Wilson Pickett - "Mustang Sally" 05 Van Morrison - "Slim slow slider" 06 Lana del Rey - "Breaking up slowly" 07 Eagles - "Take it easy" 08 Simon & Garfunkel - "The 59th street bridge song" 09 Jack Johnson - "Calm down" 10 Manel - "Desapareix�em lentament" 11 Joe Jackson - "A slow song" 12 Richard and Linda Thompson - "Just the motion" 13 Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "Maps" 14 Joni Mitchell - "Just like this traint"