Can�ons precioses amb t�tols horrorosos

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Posar un t�tol a una can�� no �s bufar i fer ampolles. Es necessita una capacitat de s�ntesi i imaginaci� que no t� tothom. Avui us portem grans can�ons que, malauradament, no tenen un t�tol al seu nivell. 01 Nirvana - "Rape me" 02 The Flying Burrito Brothers - "Hot Burrito 1" 03 Love - "Maybe people would be the times or between Clark and Hilldale" 04 Bon Iver - "29 Strafford APTS" 05 Talking Heads - "Crosseyed and painless" 06 The Mothers of Invention - "What's the ugliest part of your body?" 07 Manic Street Preachers - "Ifwhiteamericatoldthetruthforonedayit'sworldwouldfallapart" 08 Eric Burdon - "It's all meat" 09 Todd Rundgren - "When the shit hits the fan" 10 Tyler, The Creator - "Dogtooth" 11 Focus - "Hocus Pocus" 12 Morrissey - "You're the one for me, fatty" 13 Cocteau Twins - "Heaven or Las Vegas" 14 Brian Eno - "Needle's in the camel's eyes"