Can�ons per quan est�s avorrit

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Avui tens un dia ben tonto, ho sabem. No tens ganes de fer res, no has quedat amb ning� i est�s molt avorrit. No pateixis, aqu� tens un grapat d'artistes que estan com tu i et volen fer companyia. 01 Iggy Pop - "I'm bored" 02 Alvvays - "Bored in Bristol" 03 Pet Shop Boys - "Being boring" 04 The Beach Boys - "Busy doin' nothing" 05 Abominable Gallina Nauseabunda - "Avorrit" 06 Morrissey - "Spent the night in bed" 07 Billie Eilish - "Bored" 08 Tequila - "Necesito un trago" 09 Deerhunter - "Nothing ever happened" 10 The Specials - "Do nothing" 11 Green Day - "Longview" 12 The Replacements - "Sixteen blue" 13 Del Amitri - "Nothing ever happens" 14 Jo Jet i Maria Ribot - "Per avorriment" 15 Serge Gainsbourg - "Ce mortel ennui"