Can�ons per quan est�s avorrit

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Hi ha poques sensacions tan frustrants com l'avorriment, aquest estat d'�nim on tot sembla pesat i sopor�fer. Avui us portem un grapat d'artistes que van decidir lluitar contra la mandra i la peresa a cop de can�ons.� 01 Tequila - "Necesito un trago" 02 Iggy Pop - "I'm bored" 03 Buzzcocks - "Boredom" 04 Green Day - "Longview" 05 The Clash - "I'm so bored with the USA" 06 Father John Misty - "Bored in the USA" 07 Alvvays - "Bored in Bristol" 08 Ramones - "I wanna be sedated" 09 XTC - "Leisurre" 10 Morrisey - "Everyday is like Sunday" 11 Marc Parot - "Aburrido de esperar" 12 Hall & Oates - "Ennui on the mountain" 13 Pet Shop Boys - "Being boring" 14 Marianne Faithfull - "Bored by dreams" 15 Wavves - "So bored"