Can�ons per desitjar un 2024 ple de felicitat

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Ja el tenim aqu�: un any nou ple de possibilitats i sorpreses. Avui ens ve molt de gust desitjar-vos un 2024 ben feli�. 01 Grupo de Expertos Solynieve - "A�o nuevo" 02 The Smithereens - "Viennese hangover" 03 Jeff Buckley - "New year's prayer" 04 Very Pomelo - "Any nou" 05 James Iha - "New years day" 06 Deluxe - "Reconstrucci�n" 07 The Walkmen - "New year's eve" 08 Tori Amos - "Our new year" 09 Van Morrison - "Celtic new year" 10 Regina Spektor - "My dear acquaintance (a happy new year)" 11 Otis Redding & Carla Thomas - "New year's resolution" 12 Rufus Wainwright - "What are you doing new year?" 13 Mishima - "L'�ltima ressaca" 14 Kacimi - "Nouvel an" 15 Lucio Dalla - "L'anno che verr�"