Can�ons per cantar al teu gos
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Pobret meu, all� tancat entre quatre parets tot el sant dia, sense queixar-se mai, rebent-te amb un amor que en realitat no et mereixes. Potser que li regalis un grapat de bones can�ons, no trobes? 01 Led Zeppelin - "Black dog" 02 Cat Stevens - "I love my dog" 03 John Hiatt - "My dog and me" 04 Norah Jones - "Man fo the hour" 05 Jane Siberry - "Everything reminds me of my dog" 06 Johnny Cash - "Dirty old egg-sucking dog" 07 Boygenius - "Me and my dog" 08 Tom Waits - "Rain dogs" 09 Lobo - "me and you and a dog named boo" 10 The Beatles - "Martha my dear" 11 Dr. John - "How come my dog don't bark (when you come around) 12 The Antlers - "Putting the dog to sleep" 13 Nick Drake - "Black eyed dog" 14 George Clinton - "Atomic dog"