Can�ons mig amagades de The Beatles

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Al fil de l'anunci d'una nova can�� dels Beatles, remenem la seva obra i triem de manera subjectiva algunes de les seves can�ons menys reconegudes. Sembla mentida, per� n'hi ha. Foto � Apple Corps Ltd. 01 "There's a place" 02 "Money (That's what I want)" 03 "All I've got to do" 04 "Not a second time" 05 "Every little thing" 06 "I'll follow the sun" 07 "You can't do that" 08 "I'll be back" 09 "Things we said today" 10 "I've just seen a face" 11 "That means a lot" 12 "Here, there and everywhere" 13 "Rain" 14 "Hey bulldog" 15 "Your mother should know" 16 "Hapiness is a warm gun" 17 "Long, long, long" 18 "While my guitar gently weeps (acoustic)" 19 "Good night"