Can�ons ideals per escoltar a tot drap

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Hi ha can�ons que han nascut per emprenyar els ve�ns, himnes sorollosos que nom�s funcionen si els escoltes a tot drap. Aqu� teniu la nostra tria, quina seria la vostra? 01 Rage Against The Machine - "Killing in the name" 02 Ramones - "Sheena is a punk rocker" 03 Sex Pistols - "Holidays in the sun" 04 Iron Maiden - "The trooper" 05 Bj�rk - "J�ga" 06 Pixies - "Debaser" 07 Beastie Boys - "No sleep 'till Brooklyn" 08 Ram Jam - "Black Beatty" 09 Jet - "Are you gonna be my girl" 10 Boston - "More than a feeling" 11 The Who - "The real me" 12 Arctic Monkeys - "I bet you look good on the dancefloor" 13 Underworld - "Born slippy"