Can�ons dialogades
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Avui hem anat a buscar can�ons en qu� els int�rprets s'interpel�len amb punts de vista sovint contradictoris. Dues versions alternatives i complement�ries d'una mateixa hist�ria que ens ajuden a entendre-la millor. 01 The Human League - "Don't you want me" 02 Otis Redding & Carla Thomas - "Tramp" 03 The Pogues & Kirsty MacColl - "Fairytale of New York" 04 Meat Loaf - "Paradise by the dasboard light" 05 Betty Everett - "The shoop shoop song" 06 Nacho Vegas & Christina Martinez - "La �ltima atrocidad" 07 Los Planetas - "No s� como te atreves" 08 The Beautiful South - "A little time" 09 Stars - "Your ex-lover is dead" 10 Bj�rk & Thom Yorke - "I've seen it all" 11 The Postal Service - "Nothing better" 12 Of Monsters and Men - "Little talks"