Can�ons dedicades al DJ

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Ser discj�quei �s una professi� de risc. Hores intempestives, clients pesats que demanen can�ons horroroses i locals de mala reputaci� s�n el seu h�bitat natural. No �s d'estranyar, doncs, que sigui el protagonista d'un bon grapat de can�ons. 01 Indeep - "Last night a DJ saved my life" 02 The Smiths - "Panic" 03 Green Day - "Kill the DJ" 04 R.E.M. - "I'm gonna DJ" 05 David Bowie - "DJ" 06 James Taylor - "Hey mister, that's me up in the jukebox" 07 Joe Jackson - "A slow song" 08 Van Morrison - "Hey Mr. DJ." 09 Van Morrison - "Domino" 10 They Might Be Giants - "Hey, Mr DJ, I thought" 11 Steely Dan - "FM" 12 Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - "The last DJ" 13 Sophie Ellis-Bextor - "Murder on the dancefloor"