Can�ons de menys de dos minuts (segona part)
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Com que ahir ens van quedar un munt de can�ons a la butxaca, hem decidir fer-vos una segona part plena de peces curtes, glorioses i directes a la jugular. 01 Caroline Polachek - "The gate" 02 The Magnetic Fields - "Very funny" 03 Okkervil River - "Black sheep boy" 04 Matthew Sweet - "Over it" 05 The Clash - "White riot" 06 Sufjan Stevens - "The greatest gift" 07 Guided by Voices - "End it with light" 08 H�sker D� - "Never talking you again" 09 Nick Drake - "Harvest breed" 10 Randy Newman - "Political science" 11 Buddy Holly - "(Ummm, oh yeah) Dearest" 12 The Shins - "The celibate life" 13 The Zombies - "The way I feel inside" 14 Death Cab for Cutie - "You can do better than me" 15 Simon & Garfunkel - "We've got a groovy thing goin'" 16 El Petit de Cal Eril - "Quan estic amb tu" 17 Paul Westenberg - "Even here we are" 18 The La's - "Feelin' " 19 The Lemonheads - "Being around" 20 Ramones - "Havana Affair" 21 Tom Waits - "Bend down the branches" 22 The Hives - "Trapdoor solution" 23 The Beach Boys - "This whole world" 24 St Vincent - "The sequel" 25 Pau Vallv� - "Aquest cop s�" 26 Low - "Dark" 27 Nick Lowe - "I don't want the night to end" 28 The Jesus And Mary Chain - "Taste of cindy"