"Bubblegum", can�ons enganxoses per a tu

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


A finals dels 60 i principis dels 70, el so "bubblegum" va omplir les llistes americanes de can�ons euf�riques i enganxoses com llaminadures ensucrades. Us convidem a atipar-vos de calories amb un recull d'aquest fenomen musical tan intr�nsecament pop. 01 The Cuff Links - "Tracy" 02 The Archies - "Sugar, sugar" 03 Ohio Express - "Yummy, yummy, yummy" 04 Ohio Express - "Chewy chewy" 05 1910 Fruitgum Company - "Simon says" 06 The Turtles - "Makin' my mind up" 07 Tommy Roe - "Dizzy" 08 Bay City Rollers - "Saturday night" 09 Crazy Elephant - "Gimme gimme good lovin" 10 Tommy James & The Shondels - "Mony Mony" 11 The Lemon Pipers - "Green tambourine" 12 Salt Water Taffy - "Finders keepers" 13 The Patridge Family - "I think I love you" 14 The Monkees - "Apples, peaches, bananas and pears" 15 Bobby Sherman - "Easy come, easy go" 16 Shadows of Knight - "Shake" 17 The Banana Splits - "I enjoy being a boy" 18 Edison Lighthouse - "Love grows" 19 The Archies - "Sunshine"