Artistes que s'han reinventat amb �xit

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Si ja �s prou dif�cil triomfar en el m�n del pop, encara ho �s m�s fer-ho en dues o m�s formacions diferents. Us acostem els genis que van saber reinventar-se de manera sorprenent gr�cies al seu talent. 01 Sugar - "If I can't change your mind" 02 H�sker D� - "Too far down" 03 Depeche Mode - "Just can't get enough" 04 Yazoo - "Only you" 05 Erasure - "A little respect" 06 The Jam - "The Eton rifles" 07 The Style Council - "Walls come tumbling down" 08 Paul Weller - "Wild wood" 09 Happy Monday - "Step on" 10 Black Grape - "In the name of the father" 11 Nirvana - "All apologies" 12 Foo Fighters - "Everlong" 13 Death Cab for Cutie - "Cath�" 14 The Postal Service - "Such great heights"