Aquestes can�ons tenen 20 anys (i tu ja no)

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


S�, som una mica torracollons i ens encanta fer-te sentir una mica carrossa. Per aix� hem rescatat tretze can�ons que, encara que no t'ho sembli, ja tenen 20 anys. 01 The Killers - "Mr Brightside" 02 Franz Ferdinand - "Take me out" 03 Arcade Fire - "Wake up" 04 Ant�nia Font - "Portaavions" 05 Keane - "Somewhere only we know" 06 Morrissey - "First of the gang to die" 07 Iron & Wine - "Naked as we came" 08 Sufjan Stevens - "To be alone with you" 09 Obrint Pas - "La flama" 10 Brian Wilson - "Roll Plymouth Rock" 11 The Streets - "Dry your eyes" 12 The Libertines - "Can't stand me now" 13 Green Day - "Holiday / Boulevard of broken dreams"