Antologia del pop rancuni�s
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Aprofitant la bogeria col�lectiva que estem patint a causa de la nova can�� de Shakira, volem reivindicar que aix� de fer can�ons per deixar algun conegut com un drap brut �s m�s vell que anar a peu. 01 Bob Dylan - "Don't think twice, it's alright" 02 Bob Dylan - "Ballad in plain D" 03 Paul McCartney - "Too many people" 04 John Lennon - "How do you sleep?" 05 The Rolling Stones - "Under my thumb" 06 Keith Richards - "You don't move me" 07 Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - "Make me smile (come and see me)" 08 Lyniyrd Skynyrd - "Sweet home Alabama" 09 Justin Timberlake - "Cry me a river" 10 Elvis Costello - "How to be dumb" 11 The Cure - "Shiver and shake" 12 Ramones - "The KKK took my baby away" 13 Carly Simon - "You're so vain"