Antologia de l'emo
El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Volem reivindicar una de les tribus urbanes mes estigmatitzades i ridiculitzades de les darreres �poques. Parlem dels emos i dels artistes que van definir les seves inseguretats i anhels. 01 Wheatus - "Teenage dirtbag" 02 Sunny Day Real Estate - "In circles" 03 My Chemical Romance - "I'm not ok" 04 Jimmy Eat World - "The middle" 05 Fall Out Boy - "Sugar, we're going down" 06 Panic! At The Disco - "Lying is the most fun..." 07 American Football - "Never meant" 08 Cala Vento - "Isla desierta" 09 Paramore - "Misery Business" 10 The All American Rejects - "Swing swing" 11 Armor For Sleep - "Car underwater" 12 Taking Back Sunday - "Cute without the E" 13 Hop Along - "Tibetan pop stars" 14 We The Kings - "Check yes Juliet"