Antologia de cantants estridents

El celobert - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Hi ha cantants que s'esgargamellen cada cop que obren la boca. Avui hem volgut fer una antologia personal de les veus m�s encantadorament estridents del panorama pop. 01 DEVO - "Uncontrollabe urge" 02 Talking Heads - "Burning down the house" 03 Television - "See no evil" 04 The B-52's - "Dance this mess around" 05 XTC - "Respectable street" 06 King Crimson - "There of a perfect pair" 07 Pixies - "Where is my mind?" 08 Guns N' Roses - "Welcome to the jungle" 09 Bj�rk - "Venus as a boy" 10 Arcade Fire - "Keep the car running" 11 Placebo - "You don't care about us" 12 Prince - "Kiss" 13 The Rapture - "House of jelaous lovers"