351 - Morbius
Eavesdropping at the Movies - En podkast av Jose Arroyo and Michael Glass

Sony's Spider-Man Universe has given us a charming Venom origin story, a rather less charming Venom sequel, and now another film about a well-intentioned man inadvertently possessed by something that demands he feed on humans. In Morbius, Jared Leto's brilliant scientist finds a cure for the blood disease that has tormented him and his best friend throughout their lives - except that it comes with a side of vampirism. In short, Morbius is not a success. José describes it as what people who claim to hate Marvel, which has produced some very good films, truly do hate. It's as blunt, CGI-laden and uninvolving as that kind of criticism implies. Mike tries to be fair to it - the hallway bit isn't too bad - and we agree that there's one actor to like in it, although we disagree on which one that is. José accuses the film of failing to appreciate that one thing a star should deliver is physical appeal; Mike accuses José of shallowness. But as fun as it is to tease José, Morbius is not a fun film to have to sit through in order to get to do that. One to avoid. Recorded on 3rd April 2022.