“Priors and Prejudice” by MathiasKB
EA Forum Podcast (Curated & popular) - En podkast av EA Forum Team

I Imagine an alternate version of the Effective Altruism movement, whose early influences came from socialist intellectual communities such as the Fabian Society, as opposed to the rationalist diaspora. Let's name this hypothetical movement the Effective Samaritans. Like the EA movement of today, they believe in doing as much good as possible, whatever this means. They began by evaluating existing charities, reading every RCT to find the very best ways of helping. But many effective samaritans were starting to wonder. Is this randomista approach really the most prudent? After all, Scandinavia didn’t become wealthy and equitable through marginal charity. Societal transformation comes from uprooting oppressive power structures. The Scandinavian societal model which lifted the working class, brought weekends, universal suffrage, maternity leave, education, and universal healthcare can be traced back all the way to 1870's where the union and social democratic movements got their start. In many developing countries [...] ---Outline:(00:03) I(05:39) II(10:19) IIIThe original text contained 2 footnotes which were omitted from this narration. --- First published: April 22nd, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/PKotuzY8yzGSNKRpH/priors-and-prejudice --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.