“U.S. Egg Price Opportunity” by Danny Lipsitz
EA Forum Podcast (All audio) - En podkast av EA Forum Team

In the U.S., egg prices have recently skyrocketed. The text below is copied and pasted from a proposition I produced about an idea to replace eggs with plant-based alternatives in New York City businesses that sell baked goods. I'm posting here for 1) general feedback 2) potential pitfalls/oversights 3) brainstorming 4) contact from people who want to either help me with this or take over the idea entirely 5) to inspire similar projects in other U.S. cities. VALUE PROPOSITION The current U.S. climate with egg prices and bird flu present a unique opportunity to promote the use of plant-based methods for binding and emulsification in baking. Small businesses hurt by the increased costs may currently be more receptive to alternate recipes for baked goods. Following a similar model to Plantega [an NYC org that has resulted in menus of veganized offerings at local delis], PlantBake could offer curated [...] --- First published: February 18th, 2025 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/MbQqLNwzT8CjKikwH/u-s-egg-price-opportunity --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.