Wheres My Money: Unlocking the Mind-Body Connection to Money with Bari Tessler

Duncan Garner - Editor In Chief - En podkast av rova | Original

The Emotional Side of Money: Insights from Financial Therapist Bari Tessler In this episode, financial therapist Bari Tessler delves into the emotional impact of money on our lives. She shares her unique approach of integrating somatic psychology to help clients manage their financial stress and emotions through 'body check-ins.' Bari explores the common emotions tied to money like shame, anxiety, and guilt, and provides practical tools for better financial conversations and habits. Listen to her methods for transforming money management into a mindful and empowering practice.  powered by enable.me Instagram / Facebook / Tik Tok: @wheresmymoneynz Reagan White Instagram Where's My Money? Linktree

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