Double Tap Express: Global Accessibility Awareness Day in Review, Be My Eyes Update & Aiko App Demo
Double Tap - En podkast av Double Tap Productions Inc.

Today on the show, Steven and Shaun review the week in accessible tech news, starting with the biggest story of the week: Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Steven reviews the latest announcements across the major tech companies and we hear from Joe Devon, one of the co-founders of the day itself. Also, there’s an update from Be My Eyes CEO Mike Buckley, who talks about how the beta phase is going and where he sees more potential for the app to thrive, including using wearable devices and providing navigation support. There’s also a demo of the Aiko transcription app using the Open AI Whisper transcription service. The app is available on iOS and Mac OS; Thomas Domville from Apple Vis demo shows it works. Get in touch with the Double Tappers and join the conversation: Email:[email protected] Call: 1-877-803-4567 (Canada and USA) / 0204 571 3354 (UK) Twitter: @BlindGuyTech / @ShaunShed / @DoubleTapOnAir Mastodon: @DoubleTap YouTube: DoubleTapOnAir