Verity! Episode 41 - The Legend of Sontar: A Linx to the Past
Doctor Who: Verity! - En podkast av The Verities
Our survey of Doctor Who baddies continues with those kings of the potato people themselves! Join Deb, Erika, Liz, and Tansy as we chat about Sontarans. We all rewatched "The Sontaran Stratagem" and "The Poison Sky" as a jumping-off point for this conversation, but fear not Classic Who fans, there's plenty discussion of their origins and development throughout the series (and even Big Finish)!
What do you think of these (usually) stocky, militaristic foes? Let us know in the comments!
While you're commenting, please vote! We're going to try our hands at play-along commenting. Let us know which story you think we should do. (Or let us know on Twitter using #VerityVotes.)
- The Gunfighters
- The Visitation
- Black Orchid
- Paradise Towers
- Father's Day
- The Curse of the Black Spot
PLUS, feel free to ask us any Doctor Who-related questions you might have. We'll start covering those in future Extras! (Again, you can also ask on Twitter, using #AskVerity.)
Also covered [links on our site]:
Tansy loves Doctor Who Magazine, and not just because it told her Richard Marson is writing a biography of Verity Lambert!
Erika is amazed and inspired by Radio Free Skaro's ability to stay fresh after nearly 8 years of podcasting!
Liz is amused that Matt Smith will be in the new Terminator movie!
Deb laughed out loud for five straight minutes at the promo for The Time Run!
Bonus links [also on our site]:
The First Sontarans
The Five Companions
The Time Run (full video)