Verity! Episode 38 - Cybermental
Doctor Who: Verity! - En podkast av The Verities
You had to know we'd get here sooner or later. How could one of the most iconic villain races in Doctor Who not rate their own episode? Join Deb, Erika, Liz, and Lynne as we talk about the troublesome tin men. From their humble origins to their totally-different new-series origins, we touch on all the bits that make the Cyber race so fascinating to us. We may not all be "TeamCybermen" like Deb is, but they definitely have a place in each of our hearts. We even (surprise, surprise) mention Big Finish a few times, and Lynne's husband Michael makes an accidental surprise appearance talking about a subject that's very important to...well...some of us.
Also covered [links on our site]:
is excited to have the Daemons action figure set!
watched the The Moonbase DVD!
is thrilled (and relieved) to have nabbed a ticket to Gally for next year!
enjoyed hearing a new (to her) Big Finish TARDIS team in The Heroes of Sontar!
Erika accidentally touched off a twitter firestorm about where to shelve one's Doctor Who DVDs: Shelf Wars!
loves Clara's trousers!
is impressed by Toby Hadoke's interview with Russell T. Davis on ep 50 of Who's Round!
Bonus links [also on our site]:
Erika's blog about "Nerdsplaining" and Gallifrey One
Spare Parts
Simon Guerrier's Doctor Who Magazine interview with Neil Gaiman about Nightmare in Silver
The Silver Turk