Extra! - This or That

Doctor Who: Verity! - En podkast av The Verities


This game may not be called You Monster, You, but boy did it end up making us feel like monsters! Join Deb, Erika, Lynne, and Tansy as we make DIFFICULT and TERRIBLE choices that YOU made us pick between. Seriously, I have words for some of you...

Huge thanks to Sage and Kim of Head Over Feels! We blatantly and unashamedly stole borrowed "This or That" from them after their lolarious on-stage version with Paul McGann at LI Who. We appreciate the inspiration, lovely ladies!

As Deb said, there will be more ToT in the future, so feel free to fill this comment thread with suggestions for future editions. Or just yell at us (nicely) for the PAINFUL choices we made.

I'd like to close by apologizing to the 7th Verity, Marie Cat.


Bonus link:
Our 2015 April Fools ep

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