Episode 147 - Survival Kit(ling)
Doctor Who: Verity! - En podkast av The Verities
Our year of loves and lasts continues with a rather big "last". Join Deb, Erika, Liz, and Lynne as we discuss 1989's "Survival", which was a "last" in many ways, although it wasn't originally intended as such.
How do you feel about 7's last full story? What did you think of the Cheetah People's costumes? Is that infamous line really the nadir of Sylvester McCoy's performances on Doctor Who? Let us know in the comments!
Also covered:
- Lynne had moving prep help from Michi Trota, Jesse Lex, and Dolores and Matt Peters (the latter two gave them Doctor Who LEGO Dimensions goodies), and Matt hosts two podcasts:
- Erika
- discovers "What if John Carpenter did a Doctor Who Theme?"!
- cannot wait for LI Who and hopes to see you there!
- Liz is filled with delight and squee and Great Emotion because the next Doctor is a woman!
- Deb blatantly
stealsborrows a game from Kim Rogers and Sage Young at Head Over Feels and wants you to submit your ideas for "This or That" for future Verity fun!