Ep 158 - Competent Women
Doctor Who: Verity! - En podkast av The Verities
It's time to wrap up our first mini-arc of 2018! Join Deb, Erika, Liz, and Liz as we talk about the history of competent women in Doctor Who. We discuss some favorites, some common threads, and have a jolly good time doing it!
There's no way we could cover them all, so let us know who you think of when you think of competent women in our favorite show--the comments are open!
Also covered:
- Erika got Doctor Who Mad Libs for Christmas!
- Lynne has Doctor Who Fluxx!
- Liz loves Alyssa's (@WhovianFeminism's) Gally ribbons!
- Deb is thrilled that Joy Piedmont is the new co-producer of Reality Bomb!