199 - Chasing Amy's Choice
Doctor Who: Verity! - En podkast av The Verities
It's another "lucky" 7, but how lucky is it?. Join Deb, Erika, and Lynne as we break down (and I mean break down) the seventh episode of series 5, "Amy's Choice".
What are your feelings about this story? Let us know in the comments!
Happy things:
- Erika fell head over 80s-fangirl heels for these gorgeous 80s-style opening credits for the 13th Doctor's story "Resolution"!
- Lynne
- received a lovely hand-made Doctor Who gift based on the game Lost Legacy!
- flipped for beautiful Jodie on the cover of DWM (with David Tennant interviewed inside)!
- Deb digs a Wired article about how fans (some of whom are DW fans) are better than tech at organizing information online!