121 - Booming the Town
Doctor Who: Verity! - En podkast av The Verities
Series 1 continues! Join Deb, Erika, and Katrina as we discuss a serious Slitheen, a crowded TARDIS, immature breakups, and more! "Boom Town" tends to be a bit of a forgotten episode, so we tried to give it its due.
How do you feel about this ep? Did you forget about it? Or do you find the personal drama exciting? Let us know in the comments!
Also covered:
- Kat
- awaits the first ep of the new podcast she's been working on, Doctor Who's Line Is it Anyway?!
- wrote a new timey-wimey Doctor Who-Star Trek crossover fanfic, "Gene Roddenberry is Not a Timelord"!
- Erika enjoyed the hell outta the Now Hear This Podcast Festival, including
- seeing Hello from the Magic Tavern live!
- doing a live show of The Incomparable and hanging with her Incomparable Network pals.
- Deb can't wait for Long Island Doctor Who 4!
Bonus link:
9th Doctor comics from Titan