105 - Chatty Daleks

Doctor Who: Verity! - En podkast av The Verities


We're back to 60s Who this week with the next installment of season 1. Join Deb, Erika, Liz, and Lynne as we talk about all seven parts of "The Daleks". We chat about how they compare to their modern counterparts, TARDIS team-building, praise for info-text, and the social context of a really rather dark story. Also Lynne has a cold and Liz hates the nickname "P-Cap".

How do you feel about "The Daleks"? Do you recommend watching it all in one go like Erika did? Do you prefer the Peter Cushing film? Do you agree that Barbara is "made of awesome"? Let us know in the comments!


Also covered [links on our site]:

  • Lynne
    • is the proud owner of a River Song Funko Pop fig!
    • looks forward to seeing Deb for #uncannycabin part 2!
  • Erika
    • loves adding Doctor Who podcasts to her Hugo nomination ballot!
    • can't wait to see P-Cap in Class later this year!
  • Liz squees over
    • the release of her new book, The Black Archive #3: The Ambassadors of Death!
    • and the pics of it people have tweeted her!
  • Deb
    • delights in a Newsweek interview with P-Cap!
    • swoons over P-Cap drawing pictures of other Doctors on The Fan Show!

Bonus links [also on our site]:
Dr. Who and the Daleks
Verity!'s Dalek episode
Lazy Doctor Who covers "The Daleks"

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