Radio Free Skaro - Archive Interview With Rachel Talalay (2017)
Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule
For the next three weeks, we are presenting some archive content in the leadup to our three-part Miniscope on the works of director Rachel Talalay. Rachel has been a friend to us here at RFS, appearing no fewer than six times, and we thought it was worth re-releasing our interviews and commentaries with her over the years as a lead-in to our conversations about her work on Doctor Who. Here is our final interview with Rachel Talalay (so far) on the podcast. This one was released across two episodes of Radio Free Skaro, 608 and 609, in the runup to the 2017 Christmas special “Twice Upon a Time”, where Warren visits the home of Rachel Talalay again to talk about that, as well as the two-part finale to Series 10. Join us on January 31 for the third and final part of our Miniscope on director Rachel Talalay, where we look at “World Enough and Time”, “The Doctor Falls”, and “Twice Upon a Time".