Radio Free Skaro #825 - The Village on the Edge of Forever
Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule
The Angels have the podcast! Or at least the attention of the Three Who Rule, who did not blink or look away from “Village of the Angels” and for your own safety you should keep your ears peeled to their deep and cogent thoughts along with Warren’s pointless digressions and surface-level analysis of Star Trek. Of course there are also stats and a Timelash focused on that most auspicious of dates, November 23! Join us or get quantum extracted back to 1967 or 1901! Links: Support Radio Free Skaro on Patreon The Timelash Flux Chapter Four: Village of the Angels review Flux Chapter Four RFS twitter poll Flux Chapter Six title: The Vanquishers Once, Upon Time BBC One overnight viewing figures 3.76M Once, Upon Time Appreciation Index 75 Once, Upon Time BBC America overnights 337K War of the Sontarans final BBC One viewing figure 5.10M, 13th best for the week Thirteenth Doctor TARDIS set dismantled