Radio Free Skaro #789 - The Lonely Assassins

Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule


Ever wonder if assassins feel job-related ennui? Now’s your chance to find out as we shine a spotlight on The Lonely Assassins, a new mobile Doctor Who game from Maze Theory where you help crusading scientist Petronella Osgood battle various baddies through your phone-related device. Game writer Gavin Collinson joins us for an interview about said mobile pew-pew-ing, and stay tuned on Twitter this week for a chance to win a prize pack for The Lonely Assassins! Links: Support Radio Free Skaro on Patreon! Doctor Who & Casualty on Comic Relief Series 8 Steelbook Joy Wilkinson interview about novelizing The Witchfinders Mark Gatiss interview about novelizing The Crimson Horror Paul Vanezis and Peter Crocker talking about missing episodes in private hands Big Finish The War Doctor Begins due June Big Finish has Dodo join The First Doctor Adventures Volume 5, played by Lauren Cornelius Big Finish Torchwood, The Five People You Kill In Middlesbrough due June Big Finish box set sales for out of print CDs Doctor Who won the Radio Times best SF/Fantasy Award David Bailie died

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