Radio Free Skaro #482 - Once Upon A Time In America

Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule


In a move sure to shake the very foundations of audio drama, Big Finish is introducing new series Doctor Who characters into the BF-i-verse, and River Song will be the tip of the proverbial spear in this assault of awesomeness. That was but one (but probably the coolest) bit of news this week, including San Diego Comic Con ruminations, Chicago TARDIS news and various other informational nuggets. But our interview this week is with Chicago TARDIS and Gallifrey Base impresario and overall fine fellow Steven Hill, who discusses his Red, White and Who book project chronicling the adventures of the good Doctor in the United States of America. U.S.A.! U.S.A.! And so forth.


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