Radio Free Skaro #430 - Limb's Whims

Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule


It was a week of great tumult in the world of Doctor Who, with the leaking of the first five scripts for Series 8 taking the internet by storm and sending Whovians into spasms of joy, guilt, fear and loathing. Though the scripts have presumably spread far and wide, Who-dom has heeded the call of #keepmespoilerfree and as of release of this episode, no major spoilage is happening in the more reputable corners of the internet. 


While lest you think #8gate was the only thing happening in Who this week, rest assured there was movement in the realms of comics, Classic Who (with Retro TV bringing back our old friend on August 4th, starting with “An Unearthly Child”) and shoddily made, possibly foreign but certainly amusing “versions” of Doctor Who from Japan and….well, wherever the hell Beedeer is from. 


All this, and an interview with 80’s music maestro Roger Limb in the Miniscope! Listen! WE COMMAND IT!


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