Radio Free Skaro #399 - Handles With Care

Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule


The Fall of the Eleventh is at last upon us as Matt Smith took his final bow in the 2013 Doctor Who Christmas Special, "The Time of the Doctor". Crammed with all sorts of the Doctor's past enemies and a number of other surprises, the episode was topped off with a momentous performance from the outgoing Matt Smith. But what do the Three Who Rule think of this one? Did it pack enough emotional wallop after the spectacle that was the 50th anniversary? Did Matt Smith go out in a blaze of glory like Christopher Eccleston, or did he limp to the finish line like some (well, we) think David Tennant's Doctor did? Listen and find out. Oh, and Peter Capaldi is the Doctor now. We think this is a good thing, and it will make the wait for Capaldi's first proper outing as the Twelfth Doctor a very long one indeed...

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