Radio Free Skaro #396 - The Great Canadian Wheat Plains Are Safe

Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro - En podkast av The Three Who Rule


Statspocalypse! Yes, in a moment that Warren has feared since the inception of Radio Free Skaro, the 50th Anniversary generated stats to such a degree that they may have become sentient and declared war on humanity. And despite Warren’s hatred of the Devil Numbers, Radio Free Skaro gave you, the listener, comprehensive coverage of viewing figures, iPlayer requests, and other such pointless spreadsheetery.

But it wasn’t all stats (thankfully)! News of Other Doctor dollies, in-depth articles on 3D and the Radiophonic Workshop and more besides peppered the news list, leading up to the main event, the Missing Episodes panel from Chicago TARDIS, featuring Ed Stradling and Dan Hall of the DVD range and our own Steven as moderator. Note to Gallifrey Base users: Try not to divine rumour and nonsense from the facts and statements of truth in said panel. That is all. Thank you and good day! (puts on bowler hat, storms off stage left)

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